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How To Catch A Killer By Podcasting

We are a nation of crime junkies. We, as a collective audience, sit on the edge of our seats hungry for the latest gorey details on the latest acts of depravity. Stacey and I knew we wanted to make a difference with our voices. We knew keeping a cold case in the public's eye generates interest. More importantly- it generates conversations, that we pray will lead to a conviction to the senseless murders of Eyvonne Bender and Susan Ovington.


Why PODCAST? (And Catch A Killer)

The phenomenon has not gone unnoticed, with a generous uptick in overall media listenership.

Here are the stats: (According to the Pew Research Center)

First, find a case that you have a connection with. Our latest true crime podcast called Murder in Morton Grove, spoke to me and because my co-host was a classmate of the two victims. It is an unsolved crime that has remained unsolved for 45 years. There are a lot of twists and turns and so many questions that have gone unanswered.

Eyvonne Bender as a little girl. Her life was ended to early.

If you have been itching to investigate a murder of your own there is no better time to grab a mic and start recording. Start Here ⬇️


  • Come up with a name and brand for your podcast that reflects your topic and tone

  • Choose a podcast format and length that suits your style and audience

  • Identify your tone and whether you want to be serious, humorous, or somewhere in between

  • Choose whether you will host alone, with co-hosts, or with guests, and whether you will record in person or virtually

  • Plan out your first several episodes and write an intro script that introduces your podcast and yourself

  • Don’t skimp on equipment and invest in a good microphone, headphones, and editing software

  • Research your cases thoroughly and use credible sources- it is important to compile a credible list of source files, like this ⬇️


  • Upload and promote your podcast on various platforms and social media

  • Gain and maintain a loyal audience by engaging with them and providing quality content

Remember if you know something, say something. This is the only way we can crack this case. We need your help.

Check out Murder in Morton Grove, it may inspire you to start a true crime podcast of your own. And if you have more questions about podcasting check out AUDIOCASTERS, THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO PODCASTING.

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